It’s raining visitors for Jeeyar Grurukulams, Allampalli and Beersaipeta. This time around it’s from Nashville, US. Dr. Nishitha and her daughters Chi. Shriya, 12th grade and Chi. Isha, 10th grade visited Allampalli and Beersaipeta Jeeyar Gurukulams from 8th July to 11th July 2018. As part of their internship, They wrote a letter to their Principal that they are going to visit Tribal Schools which were located in deep in the forest. Principal readily and happily agreed. And he asked them to give detailed report after their visit to these Jeeyar Gurukulams. Their mother Smt. Dr. Nishitha who is specialist in Oncology and Hemitology by profession is an active VT Sevak. She accompanied her daughters to the Gurukulams and helped them come up with their report on the successful run of the Gurukulams. Their visit marked with great interactions and it was totally a time well spent spent for the girls and everybody involved.

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